Aruba’s ClearPass Policy Manager logs can be easily exported to ELK thanks to the great work done by @njohnsn with his ClearPassAndELK - thanks Neil!
Once you have got the events lines, you still need to parse them to let Elasticsearch doing all its magic; one of the common solutions is to augment ELK prepending a Wazuh (formerly OSSEC) stage: roughly speaking, this way you can write Decoders to parse the events and Rules to take following actions (usually related to alerts triggering and log severities/conservation policies). Dealing with processes, Rules can be very organization-specific so to discourage their sharing due to low reusability and disclosures worries; however Decoders are definitely more geeky being nothing more that huge regexes, so I think the ones I have written for CPPM as part of my job duties could be useful to someone else: check it out!