Musical (and not only) interlude

Andrea Barontini · October 20, 2023

Very busy year for me, requiring my attention to temporarily shift from my usual spare time interests. And I guess it will be the 2024 flavour as well: some important, pleasant, demanding stuff to handle, even if not worth to be mentioned on this blog given their private nature.

I’m still (slowly) working on TSS’s next cheatsheet, I have kept the pace and successfully completed the Zero Knowledge Proofs MOOC (not enough by itself to say I handle the topic, but a challenging and instructive first-learning for me), and soon or latter I’ll brush up the first 9 lessons of Tim Roughgarden’s Foundations of Blockchains to continue with the next ones (definitely one of the best resources on the topic out there). But I haven’t produced anything suitable as original content for a post (BTW, I really envy who is able to publish often and regularly high entropy contribs); however I feel the urge to keep this space alive.

So here it is this quite uncommon post, sharing a song I like for its musical style and lyrics. Someone could think it’s related to current (2023) Italian political choices regarding people arriving in my country after very risky Mediterranean Sea crossing; someone could think it’s related to the new Israel vs. Palestine massacres; someone could think it’s related to the longstanding issue of the USA-Mexico border wall; still someone else could relate it to crossing issues I don’t either know. All wrong and all right interpretations.

Because the true is simply that I have grown up in lower-middle class family who invested on camper van to be able to visit a lot of places during work/school holidays, thanks to the cheap rates of that kind of vacation. Thank you so much Angela and Rodano! Between 6 (I guess earlier but I don’t remember ;-) ) and 11 years old I luckily visited so many places in Italy and Europe and this has contributed to make me feel citizen of the world, not of one nation, not of one region, not of one city. Just a simple curiosity and economy driven choice which planted in me the seed of something that only later emerged to full consciousness.

I deeply believe the right to move, travel, relocate is a natural, fundamental right. Any populist reasons opposing to it are only toxic and auto-referencing parasites feeding themselves at the expense of one of humankind foundational freedoms. Please enjoy Dubioza Kolektiv and Manu Chao song.

I will jump over fence
And climb up any wall
Movement of the people
You cannot control
I will walk over desert
And swim across the sea
Like sand through your fingers
I will slip and be free
I walk over mountains
It’s colder and colder
There’s no way back
I’ll try over and over
Nothing can stop me
No wire, no border
I will not obey
I will listen no order

Bloody, bloody borders
Sanguinary times
Bloody, bloody borders
Sanguinary times
Freedom to cross
Freedom to pass
Freedom is no crime
so we will cross the line

Bloody, bloody borders
Sanguinary times
Bloody, bloody borders
Sanguinary times
Freedom to cross
Freedom to pass
Freedom is no crime
so we will cross the line

We will cross the line

I will jump over fence
And climb up any wall
Movement of the people
You cannot control
I will walk over desert
And swim across the sea
Like sand through your fingers
I will slip and be free
Above my head
I hear buzzin’ of drones
While border patrol
is crushing my bones
Is it so wrong to be born
In a danger zone
I’m just lookin’ for a place
I can call my home

Bloody, bloody borders
Bloody, bloody borders
Sanguinary times
Bloody, bloody borders
Sanguinary times
Freedom to cross
Freedom to pass
Freedom is no crime
so we will cross the line
Bloody, bloody borders
Sanguinary times
Bloody, bloody borders
Sanguinary times
Freedom to cross
Freedom to pass
Freedom is no crime
so we will cross the line

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